The holding company resulting from the partnership between Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. and Community is confirming its leadership in the sector, posting 8% growth in the first quarter of 2023

Milan and Rome, May 3, 2023 – Excellera Advisory Group, Italy’s largest advisory firm for government affairs and reputation management, born from the union between Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. and Community, approved its first consolidated financial statements.

The Group, which boasts 140 professionals across its offices located in Rome, Milan, Treviso and Brussels, as well as over 300 clients, posted a turnover of EUR25.5 million in 2022. There are the figures of the new holding company that was was established in October 2022 as a result of the strategic and financial support of Xenon Private Equity, thus standing at the forefront of its sector in Italy. The first three months of 2023 have already shown an 8% growth over the previous year; this year’s target is to build on this trend, also thanks to new acquisitions enabling the Group to be competitive, as a leading player, across Europe.

Gianfranco Piras, Chairman at Excellera Advisory Group: “Excellera’s first quarter confirmed the utter soundness of our choice. We strongly believe in this deal, not only because the companies involved are Italian champions in their own sectors, but – above all – because it has enabled Xenon to be the first equity fund to invest in corporate affairs in Italy. We are sectors leader already, and yet our goal, the one on which we are all working hard together, is to build an unparalleled national champion in terms of size and value of the companies that will be involved.”

Alberto Cattaneo, Claudia Pomposo, Paolo Zanetto from Cattaneo Zanetto & Co, said: “The first months of Excellera’s life are already showing us the project’s significance and that of all the people who are working on its success. By creating the Group, we have decided to provide our clients with a team of advisors who can lead them in adjacent fields and who can also increasingly be competitive in international markets. Today’s goal is to make Excellera a true platform on which to build industry excellence, in Italy and abroad, by bringing in other advisory champions.”

Auro Palomba, CEO at Community: “We are very satisfied with the first results achieved by the Group. When we joined forces with Cattaneo Zanetto & Co. we aimed to offer clients an even more comprehensive and structured service in the management of communication strategies, reputation, and relations with institutions and politics. The synergies we have been developing over the last few months have already paid off; Excellera is growing, and our professionals are becoming more cross-disciplinary in order to deal with every single situation in the best possible way, both from the media communications and institutional relations points of view.”